First year of motherhood
Sunday, September 17, 2006
2 weeks to go for my son's first birthday inshallah. I have no idea how i am going to celebrate it yet, as its going to be in ramadhan and people are not really up for parties at that time. So it will probably be a small gathering at my house since he is too young to appreciate it anyway. After all the first birthday is mostly for us parents and family and friends..
It's been almost a year and i still stare at him in wonder while he sleeps. whenever he does something new like look up when i say up or dance in his serious funny way... i realise how much adults underestimate the intelligence of children. he's beautiful to me.. and i think i will always feel that no matter how old he gets (one of my friends say beautiful is for girls not boys... but beautiful is the word i feel so there :P)
i feel that this age is the most crucial age.. not the first year when mostly its about taking care of your child.. but rather this stage where you set the stage for him.. teaching him objects, words and the difference between right and wrong.. and once you start on this path it never ends..
the dilemma of a working mother is that she is rarely ever has the time to teach her children ... i find myself going home at 5 in the evening.. spending like an hour with him, mostly feeding him and bathing him .. then he gets all cranky and its time for bed..
i come home to find out he had learned something new like pointing to the tv when you say tv,, and although its an extreme joy to see him learning.. a small part of you is sad that it wasn't you who taught him this little (or big?) thing.
everyone keeps telling me u have all the time in the world to teach him things.. but the truth is i don't.. time is precious every minute that passes by is a minute less of your life..
maybe i am over fussy.. but that's just the way i am. | 4 comment(s)