Crappy week
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
It's seems I am being hunted .. a series of bad luck incidents for the past week has driven me crazy ..
1) my mother and sister are joining me for my holidays.. ok I love my mother and I love my sister but I was so looking forward to some quiet private time between me and my husband which of course I am not going to get now.
2) last week our bathroom sink tap broke. and of course being the lazy people we are we didn't get a new one yet. yesterday my sister opened the tap and the water wouldn't stop.. so we had to close the main switch.. I guess we needed that push .. off to ruwi today to get a new one.
3) I had a minor car accident last week. I still get angry thinking of it.. let's just say she hit me and I got blamed for it. two days later I discovered that same lady had a car accident the day before she hit me !!! .. if I had known that before I would have told the police and it would have been a different matter. I was planning on writing a whole post about this but then I discovered she is the relative of a friend and her husband's bro is married to my husband's sister.. so ,, no ranting :P
4) work is hectic.. still haven't gotten my yearly increments (which btw was supposed to be due in JANUARY).. I think its time to look for a new job.. I am getting tired of this.
5) on the good side.. less than two weeks and I will off for my holidays... oh wait.. I just remembered my mother and sister are coming along.. ok.. crap again.
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