Update: health centers sue their A**
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
ok as u must have figured,, this is an update.. which deserves a whole separate post.. yesterday I talked to my sister in law who is a pedatritian. and explained to her my son's condition and the medication they prescribed for me..
apparently the cream they gave me is too strong and can cause brown spots to appear on his skin if he is exposed to the sun while he has the cream on !!! and the drops is too strong for his age and any overdosage can seriously harm him,, i actually had my suspicions about this as i read the labels and even went back to the doctor telling her it says 1 year and above ,, and she said no its ok.. just use a smaller dosage !!
I am soo angry so annoyed what if someone couldn't bother to read the labels? or to go for a second opinion?? ,, i am planning on writing a formal complaint letter to the minsitry of health and i am going to make sure it reaches the higher authorities.. this kind of negligence can't go on..
update: i took my son to a pediatrition and he told me that this rash is not from food but rather a bacteria infection that is blocking his ears, nose and is congesting his chest a bit. i listened to his chest with the doctor and i could hear the abnormal breathing sound within.. and he was scratching his ear but i didn't really think it was significant. i am glad the doctor spotted this and i gave my son the prescribed medicine and he's doing better now al 7amdullilah. | 3 comment(s)